Dog training can be intimidating, especially if you’re having trouble managing your dog’s behavior. One of the most common problems dog owners face is how to stop their dog from jumping on guests when they come over to visit or arrive at the door to pick up the dog for a walk.

This can be embarrassing for both you and your dog owner friends, plus it puts the dog’s safety at risk. Thankfully, there are a few simple things you can do to train your pooch not to jump up on guests in no time!

DO teach your dog commands

The trick with dog training is that you need to start early. Ideally, even before you bring your puppy home. It’s crucial for a pup’s emotional health that it has things it can do instead of just making noise or chewing stuff up when bored or confused.

By working on commands like sit, stay, and come, you can teach your dog to de-emphasize negative behaviors like barking incessantly or jumping up during meet-and-greets. Plus, commands help make sure all members of your household are communicating in a language everyone understands! DON'T let your dog jump up on guests: Once you’ve established good habits (i.e., the habit of sitting when guests enter), feel free to give him some latitude—especially if the guest is someone he knows well and likes.

But as soon as an unfamiliar person enters the room, say off! in a firm voice (if necessary) until he gets off the furniture or leaves the room altogether.

DO exercise your dog

Exercising your dog is crucial for their physical health, which will directly impact their mental health. A tired dog is a happy dog. Exercising your pup also gives you an opportunity to strengthen your bond and ensure that your furry friend has a healthy relationship with you as well as other people in his or her life (ie. meeting new friends while out and about).

Another important aspect of regular exercise is training, because you’ll get some one-on-one time with your pooch where you can reinforce their good behavior—and it’s good fun! In fact, research shows that when dogs are exercised regularly they're more likely to be obedient around their humans. And we all know how annoying it is when our pet jumps up at us every time we walk through the door; now you have the knowledge to put a stop to this behavior. 

One way to avoid the problem altogether is by teaching your dog how not to jump up by teaching them what they should do instead when they greet people. Dogs respond best when learning tasks through a reward system: Give them a treat each time they obey your command! The trick here is making sure that you don't give them too many treats at once—wait until after each successful attempt before giving another reward so that he knows what he did right.

DON'T punish your dog when you get home

Let’s say you have a dog that greets guests at your door by jumping up. Punishing your dog after they’ve already jumped may teach them to avoid greeting you altogether, which can lead to separation anxiety when you leave. Instead, break up these unwanted behaviors right as they start by saying No and offering a treat when they stop jumping.

This teaches them that great things happen when they obey commands! Remember, it’s also important not to reinforce bad behavior with attention or treats, because dogs will jump simply for those rewards.

You can click here for more information about how your training should go.

DON'T buy cheap leashes and collars

A good training leash is made out of nylon or leather. It should be strong enough that you can hold onto it if your dog pulls, but also flexible enough that it doesn’t hurt your hands when you pull back.

If your dog jumps up at someone, don’t punish him by jerking him down; instead, hold onto his leash so he has something to stand on while greeting people. This will teach him that jumping won’t get him very far, while rewarding him for standing still will reinforce good behavior.

You should also make sure he always wears a collar with identification tags, even if he isn’t being walked outside at the moment.

DON'T when you're mad

Avoid training when you're in a bad mood because it may skew your perception. Have patience with yourself and be aware that your dog will see these emotions in you. Wait until you feel relaxed to start working with him. Also remember that training is supposed to be fun for both of you, so don't get too stressed out if he doesn't pick up on things right away.

If you think of it as a way for both of you to learn together, it'll make more sense for him. Be mindful of the position that you are giving commands from, whether its while seated or standing. Standing will help you keep your balance and assert dominance over the dog; sitting or kneeling will help lower the tension between the two of you and help keep calm in the room.

Dogs naturally try to establish themselves as leaders through physical contact, but by staying calm, keeping eye contact and using a soft voice we can show them who's boss without force. The most important thing about training is consistency! Make sure to repeat whatever lesson or command was given five times (or until they catch on) before moving onto something else.

When it comes to all this 'positive reinforcement' stuff (yay!), give them plenty of treats during training sessions (like every time they do something correctly).

DON'T give up!

Treats are a great way to reward your dog for positive behaviour, but a dog jumping on guests is not appropriate behaviour. For example, giving your dog treats for sitting when people come in might be encouraging him or her to jump up instead.

If you catch your dog doing something undesirable before someone walks in, say No firmly and turn around; walk away (if it’s safe), or just stand still. Continue to ignore your dog until he or she stops jumping (sooner rather than later).

When they do stop jumping, give them a treat and praise them again. Repeat as necessary until they don’t jump anymore when guests arrive.

That was it for this blog, we hope you find it interesting and value-adding. 

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Peace Out

Written by Himanshu Tripathi

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